Softskill assigment 3SA05

Name             : Claudia Raesita Amor
Class/NPM   : 3SA05/11611685
Assigment    : Softskill

***What Is Communication?
Ø  Definition of Communication
            Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a key function of management--an organization cannot operate without communication between levels, departments and employees.
Ø  Understanding of Communication According to Experts :
#CARL I. Hovland
            Communication is the process whereby an individual or a communicator of passing stimulants usually with symbols of language (verbal and non-verbal) to modify the behavior of others.
            Communication is a social process, in the sense of throwing a message / symbol which will inevitably grow influence on all the processes and results in the form of human behavior and customs.
Ø  Types of Communication:
1 . Verbal communication with words
a. Vocabulary(vocabulary). Communication will not be effective if the message conveyed by the words that are not understood.
b. Racing(speed). Communication will be more effective and successful if the speed of speech can be regulated, not too fast or too slow.
c. Tone of voice : It will dramatically affect the meaning of the message so that the message would be another meaning when pronounced with a different tone of voice.
d . Humor : Can improve a happy life. Dugan (1989 ), notes that the laughter can help relieve stress and pain. Laughter has the physical and psychological relationship and should be kept in mind that humor is the only distraction in communication.
e. Short and clear. Communication is effective when presented briefly and clearly, directly on the subject matter, making them easier to understand.
f. Timing(when appropriate) is a critical thing to note because communication would mean that if someone is willing to communicate, meaning that it can take time to listen or pay attention to what is delivered.
2 . Non Verbal Communication
            Non-verbal communication is the delivery of a message without words and non-verbal communication gives meaning to verbal communication .
Which includes non-verbal communication :
a. facial expressions
The face is a rich source of the communication , as a reflection of the emotional facial expressions of a person.
b. Eye contact, a natural signal to communicate. By holding eye contact or interact during the question and answer means that the person involved and appreciate his interlocutor with a willingness to pay attention not just to listen.
c. Touch is a form of personal communication given a touch more spontaneous than verbal communication.
d . Posture and gait. How a person walking, sitting , standing and moving an expression of himself.
e. Sound ( Voice ). Moan, took a deep breath, weeping also one person's expression of feelings and thoughts that can be used as communication. When combined with all other forms of non-verbal communication to hiss or sound may be a very clear message.

***What Is Business?
Ø  Definition of Business
            Business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses , to make a profit . Historically the business word of English business , busy from the word which means " busy " in the context of the individual , community , or society . In that sense , busy with activity and profitable work .
            Understanding the business in its broadest sense is a general term that describes all of the activities and institutions that produce goods and services in everyday life . While business in the narrow sense is an organization that provides goods and services that aim to profit ( Griffin & Ebert ) . Business as a system that produces goods and services to satisfy the needs of the community ( bussinessis then simply a system that produces goods and service to satisfy the needs of our society) ( Huat , T Chwee , 1990) .
Ø  Understanding of Business According to Experts :
#Glos, Steade and Lowry (1996)
            Business is a set of activities undertaken to create a way to develop and transform various power cracked into goods or services that consumers want.
#Musselman and Jackson (1992)
            An activity that meets the needs and economic communities and the company is organized to engage in these activities.

***What of Business Communication?
Ø  Definition of Business Communication
            Business communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions, information, instructions that have a specific purpose that is served in a personal or impersonal through symbols - symbols or signals. Business communication different from interpersonal communication and cross-cultural communication. Interpersonal Communication (interpersonal communications) is a prevalent form of communication in everyday life hariantara two or more people to achieve certain goals. While cross-cultural communication ( intercultural / communication) is a form of communication that is done between two or more people, that each - each has a different culture.
Ø  Understanding of Business Communication According to Experts:
            Business Communication is communication used in the business world that includes various forms of communication, both verbal and nonverbal communication to achieve certain goals . ( Purwanto , 2006:4 )
#Curtis ( 1992:6 )
            Communication in Business organization devoted to solve problems and make decisions . Further it is said that the opinion can not be denied because of the higher one's position in the business , he will increasingly rely on the expertise of a person in making decisions and solving problems for a success .
Ø  Types of Business Communication:
1 . Communication with Consumers
            Communication with customers is very important we nurtur, and do this continuously, so that consumers do not forget us and the products we produce and sell. Communication with consumers can be successfully done if we say consumers into customers and grow an attitude we just want our store to shop alone or simply want to use a particular item without wanting to replace it with another item, which is termed as ' Patronage Buying Motive ".

2 . Communication with Government Agencies
            Communications shall we do with the government. Thus, we can understand the regulations issued by the government, ranging from provincial, city/county, district and village level to the environment. It is very important to avoid losses and problems with the law. Imagine if you had to pay that much to put up a canopy or board business brand name, it turns out it is against the rules.

3 . Communication with the Public
            We must remember that our efforts do not stand alone, but is in the midst of society. Therefore it is important to understand how social conditions of communities around our efforts are. Part of understanding about the condition of this society are sometimes forgotten by us. Consequently no little effort existence denied by the surrounding community. If we were able to do a good effort and proper communication on our efforts, no matter how small our efforts, I believe our efforts will be better than ever. The adage " Customer Is King ", not that we submit to their will, but rather to how we face them with speech, movement and manners and good deeds, so that they will continue to remember and come back to us and our efforts.

***Circle Good Communication
Ø  Circle of Good Communication

            So, good communication it consists of several aspects, namely:  source / sender, message, media / intermediary, receiver and feedback.

            Communication can occur if all of these aspects are fulfilled. Message is sent from the source to the receiver through a media. If the message has been delivered to the recipient, the recipient will give a reply or feedback to the sender or source. If it drawn, the communication process will look like a circle above.

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