Definition of Active and Passive Voice

1.      Active Voice ( Kalimat Aktif )
Active Voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan sesuatu atau melakukan pekerjaan yang diterangkan oleh predikat dan objek.

·         Pattern Active Voice adalah :
   S         +          v          +          o

·         She calls Billy.
(Dia memanggil Billy.)
·         He is playing football in the yard.
(Dia sedang bermain sepakbola di lapangan.)
·         I have made a cake this morning.
(Saya  telah membuat roti tadi pagi.)

Pada kalimat pertama, She (Dia perempuan) sedang aktif melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan yaitu calls (Memanggil), demikian juga halnya dengan He (Dia laki-laki) yang sedang melakukan sesuatu yaitu playing (Sedang bermain) dan juga I (Saya) yang sedang melakukan  sesuatu yaitu made (Membuat).

2.      Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasiv)
Passive Voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai sesuatu pekerjaan atau merasakan sesuatu.

·         Pattern Passive Voice adalah :

S          +          BE       +          V3       +          O

·         She is called by mother.
( Dia dipanggil oleh ibu. )
·         An elephant was killed by the hunter.
( Seekor gajah  dibunuh oleh pemburu. )
            Pada kalimat pertama, She mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan yaitu called ( Dipanggil ), sedangkan pada kalimat kedua an elephant ( Seekor gajah )merasakan sesuatu atau menderita sesuatu yaitu killed ( Dibunuh ).

3.      Active Voice bisa dijadikan Passive Voice dengan memperhatikan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
·         Subyek dalam Active Voice diubah menjadi obyek dalam Passive Voice.
·         Sebaliknya, obyek dalam Active Voice dijadikan Subyek dalam Passive Voice.

Dalam pemakaian to be dan perbedaan antara Active dan Passive Voice, perhatikan hal-hal berikut:

a.      Jika Active Voice berbentuk Simple Present Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: is, am, are.
·         He hits me.
(Dia memukul saya.)
·         I am hit by him.
(Saya dipukul olehnya.)

b.      Jika Active Voice berbentuk Simple Past Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: was, were.
·         She called me.
(Dia memanggil saya.)
·         I was called by her.
(Saya dipanggil olehnya.)

c.       Jika Active Voice berbentuk Future Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: be
·         They will give us money.
(Mereka akan member kami uang.)
·         We will be given money by them.
(Kami akan diberi uang olehnya.)

d.      Jika Active Voice berbentuk Past Future Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: be
·         Our headmaster would present our invitation.
(Kepala sekolah kami akan menghadiri undangan kami.)
·         Our invitation would be presented by our teacher.
(Undangan kami akan dihadiri oleh kepala sekolah.)

e.       Jika Active Voice menggunakan Auxiliary Verbs, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: be
·         I can paint the house.
(Saya bisa mengecat rumah itu.)
·         The house can be painted by me.
(Rumah itu dapat dicat oleh saya.)

f.       Jika Active Voice berbentuk Present Perfect Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: been
·         They have kept my secret.
(Mereka telah menjaga rahasiaku.)
·         My secret has been kept by them.
(Rahasiaku telah dijaga oleh mereka.)

g.      Jika Active Voice berbentuk Past Perfect Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: been

·         I had folded many sheets of paper.
(Saya telah melipat banyak kertas.)
·         Many sheets of paper had been folded by me.
(Banyak kertas telah dilipat oleh saya.)

h.      Jika Active Voice berbebtuk Present Continuous Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: being
·         She is praying for her mother.
(Dia sedang mendoakan ibunya.)
·         Her mother is being praying by her.
(Ibunya sedang di doakan olehnya.)

i.        Jika Active Voice berbentuk Past Continuous Tense, maka to be yang digunakan adalah: being
·         They were painting the house.
(Mereka sedang mengecat rumah itu.)
·         The house was being painting by them.
(Rumah itu sedang dicat oleh mereka.)


Promoting Cooperation in the Spirit of ‘He’.
Peace and cooperation, both pronounced as He in Chinese, are the two principles and codes of conduct deeply rooted in the tradition of the Chinese culture. The meaning of He implies peaceful, harmonious and auspicious; it could also refer to cooperation, integration and combination.
 The concept of He is both an integral part of China’s cultural tradition and a universal philosophical value. The Chinese people love peace and harmony, and prefer cooperation over use of force or lawsuits in problem solving. This cultural DNA affects the behavior pattern of the Chinese people as well as the way China handles its relations with its neighbors.
Over 600 years ago, Zheng He, a Chinese navigator, made seven expeditions to the western seas with a fleet that was then the world’s strongest.
Unlike Western colonists who engaged in expansion and plunder, Zheng’s fleet brought Chinese silk, porcelain and tea to the countries and regions it visited and left behind touching stories of friendship between the  Chinese and the local people. One can see that concept of He featured prominently in this episode of history.
Since the founding of the People’s Republic, China has upheld the Five Principles of Peaceful Consistence as the norms of governing-state-to-state relations, the essence of which points to the traditional Chinese philosophy of peace and cooperation. Thanks to this philosophy, China-ASEAN relations made great headway.
 Disputes in the South China Sea have been a challenged issue. Despite the differences between China and some Southeast Asian nations over a number of islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands and their overlapping claims on maritime rights and interests in some areas of the South China Sea, China has been committed handling disputes properly in the spirit of peace and cooperation.
For years, China has been worked tirelessly for the stability and cooperation in the South China Sea.
Generally speaking, despite the existing disputes, the overall situation in the South China Sea has been stable. The freedom of navigation in this area, an important shipping route for the Asia-Pacific and the world at large, is not affected, and this has helped this region become one of the most economically dynamic regions in the world.
Following is the experience we can draw on as we, in the spirit of He, explore China-ASEAN cooperation and properly handle disputes concerning the South China Sea.
 First, mutual respect and accommodation forms the basis of our cooperation. The Chinese culture is highly accommodative and guided by the belief that “True gentlemen live in peace even if they do not agree with each other.”
The Chinese people believe that all countries and nations have the right to choose their own social systems, development paths, ways of doing things and social customs and that they should live in peace and engage each other despite difference in social system, level of development and social customs.
Even the old days, China chose to perceive its neighbors in an amicable and accommodative light and develop relations with them by sending out merchant ship rather than gunboats. China believes that in every country, people are entitled to choose a development path suited to their national conditions. China never imposes its practice or opinion on other countries, still less does it attempt to grab the interests of other countries by use or threat of force.
The pursuit of peaceful development and coexistence is by no means an act of expediency, but a strategic choice made by the Chinese nation in light of its long-term interests as well as a fundamental principle underpinning the Chinese culture.
It is the very reason behind the fact that China’s cooperation with ASEAN countries transcends their difference in history, culture and social system and has become a brilliant example of cooperation between developing countries.
Second, engaging and treating each other candidly holds the key to the proper settlement of our differences. We advocate the spirit of  He not as a means to dodge disputes and differences. We are not scared or disputes and differences. We believe the important thing is to understand each other better through direct communication and move forward step by step to find a proper solution on the basis of mutual understanding.
 Pending the settlement of a dispute, parties need to demonstrate maximum restraint and manage their differences through bilateral consultations. Differences are not insurmountable. As long as we keep the dialogue and consultation going, eventually we will find new ideas and ways through exchanges no matter how difficult the problems is.
If anyone should rather recklessly stick to its own way of doing things, reject dialogue and communication or even try to bring external players into the picture, it is not only unhelpful, but also likely to escalate tensions and undermine peace and cooperation between countries concerned.
 Third, mutual benefit and harmonious development is the shared goal of our cooperation. The ultimate goal advocating the spirit of He does not stop at coexistence and engagement. It is about achieving common development through harmonious coexistence and cooperation.
Cooperation is not about who eats up whom or who follows whom. It is about seeing the bigger picture and the long-term interests instead of just one’s own immediate interests. Only a long-term perspective can lead to mutually beneficial cooperation in real sense.
 When China and ASEAN were hit by the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the 2008 global financial crisis, which originated in the United States and Europe, it was cooperation that got us through the crises and challenges and made regional economic growth and prosperity possible.
 Under the current circumstances, we need to stay committed to cooperation and work to expand, diversify and deepen our cooperation and improve its efficiency so that the economy of our region will benefit from it.
 With cooperation, we will rise above differences, build consensus, enhance mutual trust and create a better future for the countries and people of this region.
 I am convinced that as long as we are committed to peace, cooperation and mutual benefit, we will overcome difficulties, intensify our cooperation and make the south China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation and this region a beautiful home shared by us all.
The writer is deputy foreign affairs minister of the people’s Republic of China.


The sentences have Active and Passive Voice
Active Voice
1.      The Chinese people love peace and harmony, and prefer cooperation over use of force or lawsuits in problem solving.
Ø  The reason : In the first line The Chinese people doing active verb or doing something verb that is love.
2.      This cultural DNA affects the behavior pattern of the Chinese people as well as the way China handles its relations with its neighbors.
Ø  The reason : In the first line This cultural DNA has been caused the behavior of Chinese people is better and affects here describe that Chinese people can be better.
3.      Over 600 years ago, Zheng He, a Chinese navigator made seven expeditions to the western seas with a fleet that was then the world’s strongest.
Ø  The reason : In the first line a Chinese people doing active verb or doing something verb that is made.
4.      China chose to perceive its neighbors in an amicable and accommodative light and develop relations with them by sending out merchant ship rather than gunboats.
Ø  The reason : In the first line China doing active verb or doing something verb that is chose.
5.      Eventually we will find new ideas and ways through exchanges no matter how difficult the problems is.
Ø  The reason : In the first line we (China) doing active verb or doing something verb that is will find.

Passive Voice
1.      Disputes in the South China Sea have been a challenged issue.
Ø  The reason : In the first line South China Sea  is subject and get the problem that is a challenged issue.
2.      China has been committed handling disputes properly in the spirit of peace and cooperation.
Ø  The reason : In the first line China  is subject has been made a commitment and has been committed explain about China has been a commitment with their cooperation.
3.      When China and ASEAN were hit by the Asian financial crisis in 1997.
Ø  The reason : In the first line China and ASEAN  is subject have bad experience and were hit by the Asian explain about the experience.
4.      People are entitled to choose a development path suited to their national conditions.
Ø  The reason : In the first line people is subject and are entitled explain about people who can chose their rights.
5.      We are not scared or disputes and differences.
Ø  The reason : In the first line we is subject and are not scared explain about people who not scared with anything.

NPM                : 11611685
CLASS             : 4SA05

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